[Motherboard] Introduction to ASUS DriverHub

Update : 2024/11/22 16:46

[Motherboard] Introduction to ASUS DriverHub

DriverHub is an integrated driver download website that can automatically detect the motherboard model and driver version of your computer. It displays available driver updates in a list format and syncs with the tool page in Armoury Crate.


Please verify if your motherboard supports ASUS DriverHub by checking the [Software Features] section under [Tech Specs] on the official website.


1. Motherboard BIOS settings:
2. Installation of DriverHub
3. Function introduction:


1. Motherboard BIOS settings:
1-1. After entering the BIOS, select Advanced Mode->[TOOL]->Select ASUS DriverHub


1-2. Set the Download & Install ASUS DriverHub APP option to [Enabled].

2. Installation of DriverHub
2-1. Select "Yes" when prompted for the ASUS DriverHub installation notification.

*Please make sure your network connection is normal first*


2-2. Accept the user software authorization form.

2-3. The installation is successful, please click [Finish]


3. Function introduction:
Click on this ASUS DriverHub on the desktop


3-1-1. After opening DriverHub, five main pages will be displayed. Click [Available Updates] and pull down the menu to select individual installations or select [Install All] to install all drivers in one click.


3-1-2. After the driver is installed, the following picture will be displayed. Select Restart now to apply the new driver or Restart later to continue installation.

3-1-3. [All Installation] When completed, the following will be displayed. [System Installation History] will display the items you have installed and the date of installation.


3-2. About this computer
Select "About this computer" to query the version number, model and date of the BIOS/motherboard/operating system.
*The following diagram uses the motherboard ROG CROSSHAIR X870E HERO as an example


3-3. Devices and Drivers
3-3-1. Select [Devices and Drivers] to list existing devices and drivers.


3-3-2. Click the option to view the current version of device and driver details.


3-4. Stand-alone kit
Selecting Standalone Packages displays a list of standalone packages available for download.


3-5. Settings
Select "Settings" and use the drop-down menus to adjust notification frequency and language.




Q1: How to download DriverHub?
A1: The download DriverHub LINK:

Q2: What should I do if the installation notification does not pop up after turning on the BIOS option?
A2: Please first confirm whether the network connection is normal or use a wired network cable to connect to the motherboard first, and the above notification will pop up.


Above information might be partly or entirely quoted from exterior websites or sources. please refer to the information based on the source that we noted. Please directly contact or inquire the sources if there is any further question and note that ASUS is neither relevant nor responsible for its content/service.
This information may not suitable for all the products from the same category/series. Some of the screen shots and operations could be different from the software versions.
ASUS provides the above information for reference only. If you have any questions about the content, please contact the above product vendor directly. Please note that ASUS is not responsible for the content or service provided by the above product vendor.