How to check the detail specifications of my ASUS product?

Update : 2024/04/07 22:16

How to check the detail specifications of my ASUS product?

There are two ways for you to check the technical specifications of your Asus products:


1.  Check it through MyASUS-User Center

 For specific operations, you can refer to the explanation in the [Product Footprint]section here.


2.  Check through the Asus official website

2-1. Check it in [My Product] after Product Registration

a. Go to the homepage of ASUS official website and click on the following icon① -[Login]②Register as a member.

b.  Fill in the information on the following page.

c.  After successful registration, log in to the account by following the following page.

d.  After successful login, click on [Product Registration] ① - [Register your product] ②.

e.  Fill in the product serial number ① - Purchase date ② - Click [Register your product] ③.

f.  After successful registration, the registered products will be displayed in [My Product], click [Learn More]

The specific product specifications will be displayed as follows.


2-2. Check it in [Technical Support] 

a. Go to the homepage of ASUS official website and click [Support].

b. Select [Technical Support] on the following page.

c. Fill in the product serial number, check the box below and click [Submit and get the support].

d. Click [Tech Specs] on the following page.

The specific product specifications will be displayed as follows.


Above information might be partly or entirely quoted from exterior websites or sources. please refer to the information based on the source that we noted. Please directly contact or inquire the sources if there is any further question and note that ASUS is neither relevant nor responsible for its content/service.
This information may not suitable for all the products from the same category/series. Some of the screen shots and operations could be different from the software versions.
ASUS provides the above information for reference only. If you have any questions about the content, please contact the above product vendor directly. Please note that ASUS is not responsible for the content or service provided by the above product vendor.